Mike's Life

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Tag: Love

Inevitable Togetherness

Rain, I quiver as you gather,
and when we’re together,
I thank God for connecting us.
Rain, inundate as you may –
I am inspired by your power,
by your solidarity.
You arrive separated, seemingly, from each other,
but even as you fall over square mile vastness,
you still find one another through effortless attraction.

You simply follow God’s paths – to reunite in fellowship.
It is  impossible for you to isolate from one another –
For even when you fall far away from each other, 
God’s great plan rekindles your togetherness in short order.
Regrouping, congregating, pooling, flowing, seeping,
and then cycling back to His atmospheres – to become close once again.
The inevitable togetherness, just as God intended, is beautiful.
Lord – I am so very blessed by your teaching.
Mike G

Dear Matthew

You’re certainly not afraid now, my friend, and I now know that His currents steered you away from fear, away from pain, and fully into the warmth of His Son-shine. 

I’d like you to know that I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you in all ways a best friend should be, and I hope you’ll  forgive me.

I miss you dear friend, so perhaps you can drop me a line, only so I can see your smile.

God bless you Matthew – I love you so much.

Eternally your friend,


You’re invited… No, I beg you to come

From the Heavens flow your amazing love,

Straight into me from Your kingdom above.

Now I surrender and unlock each door –

Giving all to You regardless how poor,

So that the darkness within me can be lighted.

You are invited… No, I beg…

Please enter each room of my life,

and do as you will, with all your might.

I accept your love and I need your grace,

so please envelope me now because I fear –

that my rooms may shut for another year.